Times and Seasons

Have you ever stopped and consciously thought about the fact that God orchestrates the times and changing of the seasons? I mean, most of the time I take it for granted that God is in control. Everything just sort of continues in this familiar schedule and pattern. For the most part I know, within reason,... Continue Reading →

The Greatest Man

Sometimes I wake up with a song in my mind. Lots of times it's a worship song, but today it wasn't. I wonder sometimes what my dreams are about when I can't remember them, and if the songs in my head are related to events from my dreams. Or if I'm just a weirdo. Like... Continue Reading →

Are You A Natural?

"She was born to do that." "He's a natural!" "Wow, that just comes so easy for them." "They make that look effortless." Have you ever heard those phrases, or maybe said them? Surely it was in response as you watched a person do something they were clearly created for, and it was just like seeing... Continue Reading →

Foundations Matter

My husband and I recently bought a new mattress. We bought one of those memory foam mattresses, and while it was much easier to maneuver up the stairs, it was HEAVY. It came tightly rolled in plastic. So tightly rolled that I thought it would be too small for the frame, that they had sent... Continue Reading →

Eggshells and Wise Words

Have you ever gotten eggshell in your mouth when eating something? If you have, you'll never forget what it feels like. Maybe you’re minding your own business, enjoying an egg salad sandwich or a nice pice of cake or brownie, and all of a sudden you bite down and there's this gritty, crunchy, chalky, wrong... Continue Reading →

Crumbled to Pieces

I've been doing a study on the word 'dwell' in the Scriptures, and I came across this verse this morning: Isaiah 57:15"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit,... Continue Reading →

Is It Really A Deal?

I got an email the other day with the subject "Exclusive Deal Inside!" Exciting, right? "Exclusive" means it's just for me. WOW. The problem is, I didn't recognize the sender's name. I thought "Why would they have a deal for me?" But I was curious, so I opened the email. Turns out it was from... Continue Reading →

Sidewalk, Schmidewalk…

Have I ever mentioned before that we live in a cul-de-sac? I am really glad we chose the neighborhood that we live in. All of our neighbors are pleasant people, there’s a good mix of older folks and young families, and we haven’t had too many problems with noisy parties or fast drivers, etc. We... Continue Reading →

Knights and Armor

As a child, I was somewhat intrigued by fighting. You may remember the story of me punching a kid in the head who made fun of my sister. And kicking the boys (in the you-know-where) that tried to kiss me on the playground in elementary school. I grew up watching WWF with my West Virginia... Continue Reading →

Cranky Puppies

Have you ever started a project that you were sure was so simple that you could finish in no time (without any help from anyone else!), but when you got started it was more complicated than you thought, and drug out so long that you actually never completed it? Or maybe you’ve had ideals of... Continue Reading →

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